In progress


Group custom tags and manual attributes together

I noticed the tags are shown on alphabetic order. It would be nice to be able to categorize them in some way. For example “Meditate for 20 min” under “Health” or “Talk To Mom” under “Social”.

We could also use these for correlations, so that you can see things like “you have a better day when you use ‘Social’ tags more.”

78 votes

Tagged as New feature

Created 19 October 2017 by Josh Sharp

Moved into In progress 19 August 2024

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  • 20 October 2017 Josh Sharp approved this task

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    I’m not sure we can let you move them into other groups, because of the way tags are implemented, but we could perhaps allow reordering tags to be grouped together within the list of tags, which would help somewhat.

    20 October 2017
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    Is colour coding possible?

    20 October 2017
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    I can’t think of how that would work right now, but I won’t rule it out, it could be possible.

    20 October 2017
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    I’d personally like there to be some type of sub-tags we could create. For example “yoga” I’d want tagged as both “yoga” and “exercise.” Another example could be a food like “chicken burrito” where I’d want to track many things within it “tortilla,” “cheese,” “dairy,” “chicken,” “meat,” “tomatoes,” etc…

    Makes it easier to manage these sorts of things where 1 activity/item has multiple things one wants to track.

    04 March 2018
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    perhaps allow reordering tags to be grouped together within the list of tags

    This would be good for pain tracking with custom tags, etc. (eg. extreme pain, high pain, moderate pain, low pain, no pain).

    30 March 2018
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    There’s now a related suggestion about using sub-tags.

    07 June 2018
  • 07 June 2018 Josh Sharp edited this task

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    It’s not elegant, but naming your tags with the category first groups them together. Using Quinton’s pain tag idea: Pain extreme, Pain moderate, Pain back, Pain migraine, Pain none. Another, if you track friends you hang out with: Friends Steve, Friends Michelle, Friends Bob.

    You can even sort your categories a bit by adding an asterisk or something to the end, say you wanted your pain levels together… Pain none, Pain mild, Pain moderate, Pain severe. this would sub-categorize them and they wouldn’t be mixed in with your pain types.

    11 June 2018
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    sorry, the markdown feature turned my asterisks into italics.... Pain+ none, Pain+ mild, Pain+ moderate etc..

    11 June 2018
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    I’ve been using the first word as the category, but the web interface doesn’t make it easy to pick them out compared to the vertical list on mobile.

    Bear uses a forward slash / in tags as an indicator of sub-tags

    17 December 2018
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    Sort of echoing others here, but I think the ability to manually sort tags rather than have it always be alphabetical would alleviate part of this issue and should be relatively easy to implement.

    Right now my tags have labels like “a Action Lifted”, “a Action Ran”, “b Medication vitamin D” so that Behavioral tags and Medication tags are listed near each other and Action tags come first. Custom sort would eliminate the need for me to add letters at the beginning of tags.

    Being able to assign a custom color / group to each tag would also be really helpful. Eg. I could make all of my mood related tags one color, all of my behavior related tags another, and then I wouldn’t need to prefix the tag name with a type.

    From a data perspective, its not even that the tags would need to exist as part of a larger “group” structure, but a tag could just have an extra “group” attribute, which you could then sort by.

    In the short term, being able to add other characters like “-” to tag names would also help make things a bit more clear.

    23 October 2020
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    It is very difficult to choose the right tags without grouping them. I am going to use the start with the group name first idea for now.

    21 March 2021
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    what I do now: feel angry feel ok do admin do laundry be home etc I even added an x before the often used tags, so I just start writing x and I see all the often used tags.

    23 March 2021
  • 08 February 2022 Josh Sharp moved this task into Planned

  • 08 February 2022 Josh Sharp moved this task into Suggestions

  • 08 February 2022 Josh Sharp moved this task into Planned

  • 12 August 2022 Josh Sharp edited this task

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    Great to see that this has been moved into the planned stage. Grouping and the ability to chance the color would help a lot. Until then, like many others, i will go with the prefixes.

    21 February 2023
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    I think it might also be helpful to hide groups of tags (but keep them active). For example, if there’s a group of tags used for menstruation, you could hide those for part of the month. I also use some tags managed by an external source, so I don’t need to see them in my daily list.

    20 April 2023
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    The original suggestion says: We could also use these for correlations, so that you can see things like “you have a better day when you use ‘Social’ tags more.”

    So… How could you accomplish that aspect of it?

    Also, which part of all the suggestions in here is being planned?

    23 February 2024
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    We’re planning to allow further grouping of tags and manual attributes within their current groups.

    01 March 2024
  • 19 August 2024 Josh Sharp moved this task into In progress