

Eras or major life changes

A way to mark a period of time in Exist, with a beginning and optional end, so as to compare life before and after this period.

For example, if someone is pregnant, instead of making a custom tag with this everyday, they could label a period of time as ‘pregnant’. Correlations between what shows up within and without could be interesting. This could be used for projects, jobs, anything medium/long term and you don’t want to have to tag everyday. Can set a start date with an expected end date, maybe with the option to leave the end open-ended? There could be a better name for this, but “eras” is what I came up with.

An ability to compare different eras has also been requested.

117 votes

Tagged as New feature

Suggested 23 March 2018 by user Mazdak Momen

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  • 23 March 2018 Mazdak Momen suggested this task

  • 24 March 2018 Josh Sharp approved this task

  • avatar

    There are timeline apps but having a timeline displaying major life events that you could also drill down into would be cool…

    08 June 2018
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    I love this idea! Thinking out loud we have major events in our life like: marriage, divorce, relocation, baby, new job, retirement, education start/finish and the list goes on.

    How these apply and impact our long term health/happiness I think is really fascinating.

    30 October 2018
  • 08 November 2018 Josh Sharp edited this task

  • avatar

    I have made some of my WORST decisions after a major traumatic event (particularly after the deaths of people I’m extremely close to.) There would be a huge benefit in being able to proactively understand how the impact of another major event is going to affect someone.

    26 April 2019
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    I’ve started tracking in Exist when it hit me just how radically a move to a new city affected…everything. I love this idea.

    06 February 2020
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    One of my past relationships went long distance at one point and became pretty toxic, and the changes in the health data I’d been generating was what convinced me to break things off and never think to get back with them.

    27 January 2022
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    Just thought of another application for this: changes in meds. I’m about to start a prescription for iron, and I want to track how it affects my restless legs - without having to create a tag and then have to remember to use that tag every day for as long as I use it.

    16 February 2024
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    I sure as heck would love to be able to mark a period of my life as “going through cancer treatment.”

    09 November 2024