

Custom CSV/JSON import

Allow a way for users to develop a custom import, even if it has to be a manual upload.

Either provide a template we could download — with attributes on the top — or develop a way for the app to recognize the columns and headers like a wizard and save that as a routine custom import. This would give a workaround for any app without a public API or add a personalised level of detail for users.

58 votes

Tagged as New feature

Suggested 02 April 2018 by user R M

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  • 02 April 2018 R M suggested this task

  • 03 April 2018 Josh Sharp approved this task

  • avatar

    Having had bad experiences with CSV imports before, because of the high level of validation required after upload given people can enter whatever values they want, I think providing a template would help a little and make the most sense. To be clear, this wouldn’t allow any extra custom tracking, but only support current attributes.

    03 April 2018
  • 07 March 2019 Josh Sharp edited this task

  • avatar

    A templated “upload sheet” would be perfect. I’ve seen functionality similar to this with tools like Wrike (project management) and Goodreads (books) - export your data into a csv which gives you the right column headers and formats - which then allows you to fill in your own data and import it in

    29 April 2019
  • avatar

    I would love to use Exist as a sort of archive as well as look for very-long-term correlations. I have data backups from now-defunct accounts at Gowalla, Basis, Fitbit, Google Maps (location tracking “Takeout”), and Moves that I’m willing to manually transform as needed. I just need a place to send them!

    03 December 2019
  • avatar

    I have 300+ days of “Mood” data exported from Dreem headband app. It would be really great to have ability to import, or at least to add manually this data back in time.

    07 August 2020
  • avatar

    Just to clarify, until you can upload CSV etc., if you have the means you can always use our API to programmatically input your data.

    08 August 2020