Not possible/Seek alternatives


Screen Time for iOS

I’m not sure if Apple has announced an API for the newly announced ScreenTime features, but it’d be nice to see how using my iPhone/iPad correlates with other metrics.

Not possible due to no API.

21 votes

Tagged as Mobile

Suggested 21 June 2018 by user Andrea Mocko

Moved into Not possible/Seek alternatives 22 June 2018

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  • 21 June 2018 Andrea Mocko suggested this task

  • 21 June 2018 Belle Cooper approved this task

  • 22 June 2018 Josh Sharp moved this task into Not possible/Seek alternatives

  • avatar

    RescueTime isn’t able to do much on iOS just because Apple doesn’t make that data available, it’s out of their hands. I’d honestly be extremely surprised if a Screen Time API was made available, because it’s not their MO.

    15 July 2018
  • avatar

    It’s too bad Apple set this feature up but left it so half-baked. Is there any chance you guys might consider allowing manual entry for phone screen time?

    Alternatively, would something like the app Moment (iOS) does work—using a screenshot of battery use by app to estimate screen time?


    12 March 2019
  • avatar

    We probably won’t be looking into replicating what Moment does, as there’s a significant amount of work there for what would be a fairly small part of Exist overall. But you might like to vote for this suggestion for manual tracking, which would allow manual entry for phone screen time.

    17 March 2019
  • avatar

    Hi Belle, thanks for the clarification, understood! Will do :)

    19 March 2019
  • avatar

    RescueTime tracks mobile time for iOS, and while it drains the battery faster and requires continual location access, there is a way to access it from their API, according to their support: “Try adding restrict_source_type=mobile to your API queries. (the possible values are ‘computers’, ‘mobile’, and ‘offline’)”

    27 December 2019
  • avatar

    Ir doesn’t seem to be working for me yet, but I’m working with their support and will keep you updated.

    27 December 2019
  • avatar

    Update: Screentime for iPhone does work.

    ```python def get_mobile_minutes(date): “”“given the date as a formatted string, returns mobile minutes as an int”“” headers = {‘key’: api_token}

    data = requests.get(''+api_token+'&restrict_source_type=mobile&format=json&restrict_begin='+date+'&restrict_end='+date).text
    minutes_spent_on_date = json.loads(data)['rows'][0][1]//60
    return minutes_spent_on_date```

    This will return the number of mobile minutes for a given date

    28 December 2019
  • avatar

    Let me try making the code look better:

    def get_mobile_minutes(date):

    “”“given the date as a formatted string, returns mobile minutes as an int”“”
    headers = {‘key’: api_token}
    data = requests.get(''+api_token+'&restrict_source_type=mobile&format=json&restrict_begin='+date+'&restrict_end='+date).text
    minutes_spent_on_date = json.loads(data)['rows'][0][1]//60
    return minutes_spent_on_date
    29 December 2019
  • avatar

    With the info above, could the „not possible“ flag be reconsidered?

    25 September 2020
  • avatar

    This suggestion is for the screen time feature built-in to iOS, which still doesn’t provide any way for us to access the data. RescueTime mobile tracking is a separate service.

    26 September 2020