

Custom tags: habit-tracking features

Custom tags are amazing, however I often find that Exist lacks completion % tracking for custom tags, so I end up using Exist plus secondary habit-tracking apps. It’s a hassle for something you’re meant to reconcile every day before bed.

If I want to start a new habit such as ‘Fast until 12pm every day’, there is not currently a way to track the formation of this habit in terms of:

  • Specific days: I want to use this custom tag every M / W / F, what’s my completion % on this?

  • Streak: How many consecutive days did I tag this, related to my streak goal of XY days?

  • Longest streak with this tag: self-explanatory

So in summary, I don’t just want to use custom tags, I also need to track whether I used them or not and have some kind of completion metric.

Maybe a way to implement this is to make a module to create a new habit. Then in this new habit submodule, you can select the tags you want to relate to this new habit, and the days/times/rates at which you want to complete those tags.

65 votes

Tagged as New feature

Suggested 08 July 2018 by user Mike

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  • 08 July 2018 Mike suggested this task

  • 09 July 2018 Josh Sharp approved this task

  • avatar

    I had a suggestion that is a lot like this. It would be awesome to also have notifications and alerts if you’re not completing as scheduled to remind you.

    Also tying to other metrics as well.

    21 July 2018
  • avatar

    Kind of like streaks a bit. Shame that API isn’t open

    04 February 2020
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    We’re currently beta testing a habit tracking app for iOS built on your Exist data. You can use tags, but also create habits based on other Exist data. Once we’re done testing the app we’ll bring it to Android, but for now it’s iOS-only, so if you’re an iOS user, feel free to send us an email from Exist on the web or Exist for iOS if you’d like to join the beta (paying users only—if you’re on trial, email us once your trial is over and you have a paid account).

    I also wanted to mention that the trends pages for your custom tags include stats on your longest streak, average use, etc.

    14 June 2020
  • avatar

    What’s the status of this habit tracking app? Or is it the existing app?

    22 October 2021
  • avatar

    Hi Erin, the app (Hello Habits) is available for iOS only so far. More details here:

    22 October 2021
  • avatar

    Hello Belle, Now that the habit app is discontinued, would you guys consider adding habit tracking features within exist? Although tags can serve this purpose, a proper habit tracker within exist like (open source, so you could even copy this) could make habit tracking much easier.

    16 October 2022