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  • 28 August 2018 Jeremy Moseley suggested this task

  • 29 August 2018 Josh Sharp approved this task

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    We only track one value per day, so this would end up as an average, plus I can’t access the Garmin Wellness API docs to confirm this is available so I may need to move this to ‘not possible’ at a future date.

    29 August 2018
  • avatar

    Yeah, it would be good as a daily average

    01 January 2019
  • avatar

    Hi Josh, I think it would be possible to integrate this from garmin, since garmin gives already an average of stress indicator for the day.

    Even nicer : They also give in hours and minutes/day: - restful time during the day - low stress time - medium stress time - high stress time

    29 May 2019
  • 29 May 2023 Belle Cooper moved this task into Not possible/Seek alternatives

  • avatar

    has this become more feasible in the last year, perhaps?

    I’d definitely love a stress measurement to relate other data to.

    Thx -

    30 June