Under consideration
Menstrual/Period tracking from Garmin
Cycle data, symptoms, etc. can be tracked in Garmin Connect. Can we import this into Exist?
Cycle data, symptoms, etc. can be tracked in Garmin Connect. Can we import this into Exist?
I belive oura also has this capability and can be included?
There are other apps to consider regarding women’s health such as wild.ai, flow etc
Not sure if Oura supports menstrual tracking in their app, but if they do, they don’t make the data available unfortunately.
Feel free to make suggestions for any other services and we can look at each one individually. Unfortunately it’s the case that most lock the data away inside the app so their users can’t make use of it.
We can at least already import this data from Apple Health, which many apps do sync to, so that’s something.
Unfortunately as with most menstrual trackers, Natural Cycles locks the data inside the app, so isn’t possible.