

Assorted features for v2.4.0

Upgraded chart library, bringing improved performance, more controls, and better animations.

Age range selectors are now more flexible: you can include/exclude years or specify custom offsets, e.g. “Retirement+5”.

Added support for 457b and Roth 457b retirement account types.

Plan preview cards in the dashboard now show key event icons (e.g. retirement) and overlaid progress.

New chart options: chart height, grid style, SI prefixes, overlap y-axis, show/hide first+last ticks.

Hold shift + click-and-drag the chart to zoom to a selection.

Use the scroll wheel while holding shift to zoom in on a specific point in the chart.

Added slider control to yearly summary panel.

Keyboard left and right can now step through years in simulation results.

Added button to duplicate plan items.

Monte Carlo mode now has more chart controls and improved color scheme.

Selected datasets are now persistent in deterministic mode, and selected percentiles are persistent in Monte Carlo mode.

Added “Match Inflation +/- X%” to yearly change options, which may be helpful for Monte Carlo simulations where inflation is variable.

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Tagged as Development

Created 11 January 2022 by Kyle Nolan