34 results tagged 'Development' :tools: Add Dashboard with high-level stats and plans 2 3 :tools: Add support for monthly/daily simulation granularity 88 21 :tools: Advanced tax configuration options 1 0 :tools: Allow plans to start at either fixed date or today 0 0 :tools: Assorted features for v2.4.0 0 0 :tools: Automate profile metadata sync & denormalization 0 0 :tools: Customize domain for firebase emails 0 0 :tools: Firestore snapshot handlers should be more idempotent 0 0 :tools: Implement distributed locking mechanism for Paddle API operations in GCP 0 0 :tools: Improve couples planning experience 2 0 :tools: Improve in-app routing and forward/back support 0 0 :tools: Improve layout consistency for forms and inputs (margin, padding etc) 0 0 :tools: Incrementally add TypeScript Support 1 0 :tools: Incrementally migrate options API components to script setup & composition API 0 0 :tools: Landing Page Overhaul 0 0 :tools: Migrate from jest to Vitest 0 0 :tools: Migrate from vue-cli to Vite 0 0 :tools: Migrate from vuex to pinia 0 0 :tools: Migrate to Firebase Modular API 0 0 :tools: Migrate to Vue 3 2 1 :tools: Overhaul Help Center 1 0 :tools: Performance tweaks 0 0 :tools: Pro Mode 0 0 :tools: Re-work "Financial Priorities" section 0 0 :tools: Rebuild Auth UI to remove firebaseui-auth dependency 0 0 :tools: Refactor form tree UI components to reduce mixin usage 0 0 :tools: Refactor GCP cloud functions to use ES6 syntax and follow DRY more strictly 0 0 :tools: Restructure PL monorepo with better separation between backend and frontend 0 0 :tools: Sandbox mode with pre-populated templates to improve onboarding 1 0 :tools: Systematize UI cards, dialogs, menus 0 0 :tools: Test framework & CI/CD for GCP cloud functions 0 0 :tools: Unified backend CLI for common automation, analytics, and operational tasks 0 0 :tools: Upgrade to Firebase Auth with Identity Platform 0 0 :tools: Upgrade to Vuetify 3 0 0