

Model changes in investment growth rate over time

Let’s say we assume a bear market and 1.5% real return for the next 10 years, then a return to 10% nominal for the 10 years after that. What impact might that have on our plans?

Add an advanced option to change investment growth rate over time and see its impact on a plan. This could use a tool similar to bond allocation where the user would add points in time and drag up/down to see how that affects their plan.

I don’t think this would be a feature that everyone would want or need and recommend keeping it the same as it is now by default, but with an advanced option to set different investment growth rates for different periods of time.

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Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 07 February 2022 by user Matthew Stublefield

Moved into Completed 27 March 2022

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  • 07 February 2022 Matthew Stublefield suggested this task

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    Grabbing this comment from Slack because it’s a great idea:

    scuba-kid — Today at 10:04 AM great idea. this is one I’ve thought of in the past as well. I think it would also be cool to have an option where you can choose to use the real historical data (same as monte carlo) with a given start year.

    07 February 2022
  • 07 February 2022 Kyle Nolan approved this task

  • 08 February 2022 Kyle Nolan moved this task into Planned

  • 28 February 2022 Kyle Nolan moved this task into In progress

  • 27 March 2022 Kyle Nolan moved this task into Completed