

New Milestone: When <account> balance reaches <criteria>

I’d like to set a milestone tied to a more specific financial goal than is currently available. Specifically, I’d like to set an Emergency Fund milestone that can then be used in cash-flow targets.

This would let me set up cashflow priorities and model something like:

  1. Contribute to 401k up to employer match from now until EF Milestone is met.
  2. Build and maintain savings balance in cash.
  3. Contribute to 401k up to maximum contribution from EF Milestone to retirement.

Without that, I can have a rough idea of when I’ll hit the EF goal while maxing out the 401k, OR I can know when I’d hit that goal while contributing $0 to the 401k, but it’s hard to get a more nuanced approach without lots of manual fiddling.

This would also just make it easy to see account-based milestones on the plot. “Liquid net worth” includes a lot of money that isn’t entirely liquid IMO because of the early-withdrawal penalties on retirement accounts, so being able to set a milestone that incorporates only specific accounts would be nice to provide another way of summing up money.

2 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 07 February 2022 by user Matthew Stublefield

Moved into Completed 27 March 2022