

Allow changes to the default plan to flow into clones

It would be nice to have the option for info to simply flow into the clone automatically if and when I change the same info in the original plan. Example: If I anticipate that the cost of college for my child is going to be more expensive because she is leaning toward a private college instead of a public, I’ll need to increase that anticipated expense. It would be nice if I can make that modification in the “original plan”, and then the modification can flow automatically into the clones instead of having to hand-type each and every change I make into both the original and all of its clones. You wouldn’t need to make that a 2-way street, i.e., if I change something in the clone, it shouldn’t revert back and change the original, b/c the point of clones is to be able to change things compared to what the original was. So I really think the only thing you’d need to do is make a way to change details in the original plan and have them flow automatically into the clones (or at least have an option to click “yes” or a radio button or something), whereas there’s no need for edits in the clones to reverse-flow back to the original.

50 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 08 November 2022 by user Casey

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  • 08 November 2022 Casey suggested this task

  • 08 November 2022 Kyle Nolan approved this task

  • avatar

    Agreed this would be helpful. To go along with this you’d want an easy way to tell which plan was a clone of others… maybe a tree structure on the left pane?

    09 November 2022
  • avatar

    I’m not sure I totally agree about making a change in a daughter plan.... and why it wouldn’t be easy to go backwards. Not totally necessary, but simply having a prompt that says, “Do you want to put this change in all plans?” would be nice. Otherwise, you have to come out of where you are working and go to the master plan.... And after a year of working and several plans.... um, which one is the master plan again?

    29 December 2022
  • avatar

    Perhaps 2 “SAVE” buttons… current one and function, and a second “PROPAGATE”.

    24 January 2023
  • avatar

    I think an even better option would be to be able to “link” a (“child”) plan to another (“parent”) plan, whereby the linked plan would only contain modifications to the main plan. Any plan usage would combine the original plus the modifications on-the-fly.

    This would be in addition to the current “clone” plan which would be used if there’s a lot of changes between plans.

    23 March 2024
  • 02 May 2024
  • avatar

    I think this would be very useful. I often make improvements to one of my plans and would like to be able to update other versions with the same change without having to do it manually. There could be a menu to choose which plans to update like there already is when something is added to a plan.

    14 December 2024