

US Tax rates to reflect sunset of TCJA

I would suggest that you set up the default US income tax rates to reflect the current law. This would have the current historically low tax rates changing in 2026 as the TCJA sunsets. As I’ve looked at various planning resources, this is how most of them account for US tax rates. I suppose I could set this up myself as a milestone with a tax consequence, but I’m not sure why the current law shouldn’t be the default.


8 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 05 December 2022 by user Mike Norfleet

Moved into Completed 06 September 2023

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  • 05 December 2022 Mike Norfleet suggested this task

  • 05 December 2022 Kyle Nolan approved this task

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    agreed. This making the financial plan more aggressive than actual. I feel plans should always error on the side of conservative.

    12 April 2023
  • 17 August 2023 Kyle Nolan moved this task into In progress

  • avatar

    Added a toggle for this to the early access build:

    Let me know what you think!

    22 August 2023
  • avatar

    Thanks Kyle. This makes a huge difference in my plan. I see that it set off AMT as well as higher marginal brackets!

    23 August 2023
  • avatar

    I compared this to my on trajectory plan that has this feature and now the two are very close! Thank you for working on this as it has a HUGE impact on our plans!

    23 August 2023
  • 06 September 2023 Kyle Nolan moved this task into Completed