

Add more Milestone types

Would like to request the addition of more Milestone types, such as: “At xx $K Annual Investments” (e.g. a Milestone is hit when total actual annual Investments reach $100K), or “At xx $K Total Investments” (e.g. a Milestone is hit when total Investments reach $500K), or “At Annual Pretax Investments Maxed Out” (e.g. when you max out 401k + other selectable pretax annually) etc.

20 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 09 January 2023 by user Skyr

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  • 09 January 2023 Skyr suggested this task

  • 09 January 2023 Kyle Nolan approved this task

  • avatar

    I am using PL primary for retirement planning and would love to see milestones for the death of one spouse (aside from “end of plan”) to understand how the wealth of the longer living spouse would be affected. Some of the parameters here would be how SS is affected, pensions that disappear or change in value for surviving spouse, changes in expenses as a consequence and tax liabilities.

    29 January 2023
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    Liquid networth can help with skyr suggestion but agreeing with proposal

    15 April 2023
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    Net Worth less Real Estate equity (taxable + tax deferred + cash)

    Would be ideal for helping set FI under settings.

    28 April 2023
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    Similar to Alex M, A Milestone of NW >= Total Expenses - Pension (or annuity, SS, or any other expense-reducing income) would be ideal.

    30 May 2023
  • avatar

    I would love to see “Investment Growth” as a milestone option.

    For example I want to be able to have a Milestone = Investment Growth >= Expenses. I am looking to replace Passive Income >= 1.4x Expenses. Which I had to do because passive income is pre-inflation.

    13 August 2023
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    Model death of one spouse and tax implications.

    16 October 2023
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    Like others, I would like “total investments” milestone (cash+retirement+taxable investment less real state equity)

    18 May 2024