

Add additional plot Metrics in Plot Builder

Would like to request the addition of some new plot Metrics in Plot Builder, such as: Taxable Investments, Tax-Deferred Investments, Tax-Free Growth Investments, Taxable Contributions, Tax-Deferred Contributions, Tax-Free Growth Contributions. The Investments Metrics would allow the creation of a a Stacked Bar plot that can plot actual annual balance of all Investments - similarly to Liquid NW but inclusive of all Investments whether they are liquid yet or not (e.g. user-selectable categories such 401k + IRA + Cash + Crypto), visualizing the question “How much Investment overall will I have in 2025”. The Contribution Metrics would allow the creation of a a Stacked Bar plot that can plot annual volume of all Investments - visualizing how much is invested each year.

7 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 09 January 2023 by user Skyr

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  • 09 January 2023 Skyr suggested this task

  • 09 January 2023 Kyle Nolan approved this task

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    I’ll add a stacked expenses metric would be helpful would be helpful too. I love the cashflow page, but sometimes I want to see a detailed Income vs Expenses throughout the plan on a single graph.

    1 hour ago