

Account-Level Probabilistic Monte Carlo Returns

PL already has the option to override plan returns by account, and it would be great to extend this functionality into the Monte Carlo simulations.

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Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 20 January 2023 by user Richard

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  • 20 January 2023 Richard suggested this task

  • 20 January 2023 Kyle Nolan approved this task

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    Just to clarify, we’re saying to apply a normal distribution to the growth and dividends for any account that specifies a custom rate of return?

    16 March
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    My idea would be to allow even plans with custom growth rates to run based on historical returns via a toggle switch. My example is where I’m customizing rates to better match investment return vs dividend versus me thinking I know where growth rates are actually going. Growth of 7% and Dividend Yield of 1.5% for brokerage in VTI vs. Growth of 6% and dividend yield of 2.5% for 401K in a target date fund both get me to the same rate of return, but I don’t want the monte carlo to take this override growth rate verbatim as it’s not me really thinking I know any better than historical date.

    16 March