

Roth conversion - tax bracket

Would like to model Roth conversions up to tax brackets. Example would be to do a Roth conversion only if I have a gap at the 12-15% tax bracket....or 22-25%.

78 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 02 April 2023 by user Chad Gammon

Moved into Planned 28 March

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  • 02 April 2023 Chad Gammon suggested this task

  • 02 April 2023 Kyle Nolan approved this task

  • avatar

    Adding on to this would be some version of real-time display of the impacts like being able to see the Tax Analysis: Taxes chart.

    That’s one of the challenges of the current conversion modality, not being able to see immediate detailed tax changes (aka each year) while making changes.

    18 February
  • 28 March Kyle Nolan moved this task into Planned

  • avatar

    Is this not a dupe of one of the planned Optimizer features? Voting for both just in case. ;)

    14 May
  • 23 May
  • avatar

    I agree this might be somewhat of a duplicate of the Optimizers item, though perhaps much easier to implement than true optimization. Either way, it is definitely on my wish list.

    30 May
  • avatar

    Agreed. This is an immediate and very useful subset of the other feature request.

    30 May
  • avatar

    In addition to converting to a tax bracket, it would also be very helpful to know room to convert to IRMAA and LTCG thresholds. IRMAA thresholds are just under the top of some brackets, and can result in a huge marginal tax hit if you don’t keep them in mind.

    29 August