

Include an Account Growth / Interest Rate option to "Match Inflation +/- %"

Include an option for account growth rates to be tied to the plan’s inflation. Use cases are TIPS which should generally match inflation, and savings accounts (HYSA and Treasury MM for example) which should generally follow inflation trends albeit with some drag.

Especially useful for correct application in Monte Carlo, but also static plans when playing with inflation rates without having to adjust growth rates manually.

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Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 05 September 2023 by user tiger1972

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  • 05 September 2023 tiger1972 suggested this task

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    I actually have an amendment to this: include this option for future loans like Cars and Houses. But especially cars just because mortgages tend to be longer lived than more frequent car loans. But either way loan rates tend to track inflation somewhat loosely plus the vig charged by the lender. We’re taking our best guess at that vig, but it’s better than what is happening know in PL which is taking a guess at future rates which isn’t going to be accurate in a static plan, no less Monte Carlo.

    05 September 2023
  • 06 September 2023 Kyle Nolan approved this task