

Add/Edit Income, Expenses, Priorities, etc Across Multiple Plans

Any thought to be able to add/edit an item across multiple plans?

For example I wanted to add a medical expense to all my plans to account for having a second child. Or if your income changes and you want to mirror that across all of your plans. Since each plan is isolated from each other it meant having to do this multiple times, and if you are like me you probably have multiple iterations of the same “base” plan that you would have to go tweak.

What would be nice is if there was another option in “More Options” to “apply to other plans” and you could pick what plans to make the change to.

4 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 17 December 2023 by user Kyle Wimmer

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  • 17 December 2023 Kyle Wimmer suggested this task

  • 17 December 2023 Kyle Nolan approved this task

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    I agree this will be very helpful. Could be as easy as having the Save button allow you to apply to whichever plan(s) you want.

    06 February