

Fixed Contributions for retirement accounts HSA, Roth IRA, Traditional IRA - Redux

The Fixed Contribution feature seems to ignore earned income rules for Roth IRA, and I suspect Traditional IRA.

I’m not certain if it ignores the HSA income rule (which is that there needs to be some income of ANY kind)

I would expect the earned income rule should apply to all Roth and Traditional IRA contributions, regardless of “income limit” rules selected (Backdoor Roth, US Limit, Custom, none, ).

I suppose if you needed to add the option to ignore “earned income” rules you could add that as a separate flag, but I cannot conceive of any scenario where this would be desirable. As far as I can tell, it would only lead people to make mistakes.

4 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 06 January by user Shawn S

Moved into Planned 06 January

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  • 06 January Shawn S suggested this task

  • 06 January Kyle Nolan approved this task

  • 06 January Kyle Nolan moved this task into Planned

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    This doesn’t apply to just the Fixed Contribution option.

    Even as a regular Cash Flow priority, if there’s money available for IRA contributions, then PL will fund the IRA up to the contribution limit, even if it exceeds earned income for the year.

    Expected behavior: Limit contributions to no greater than earned income or the IRS max, whichever is less. In years where the only income is from withdrawals, IRA contributions should be disallowed entirely.

    02 March