

Roth Conversions Linked to Existing Roth Account

Currently Roth conversions show up in the stacked category on the plan page, but there is no associated account. I’d like to create a Roth account (or use my existing Roth account) to have the conversions go into that account. The main advantage of doing this is that I can then set custom growth and dividend values for this account (currently it uses the plan defaults with no ability to override like you can with any investment/IRA account).

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Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 04 April by user Fred E

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  • 04 April Fred E suggested this task

  • 05 April Kyle Nolan approved this task

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    You can delete this task, I just found out that if I create a Roth IRA first (with zero balance), it will use that Roth when doing the conversions. All good, nice job!
