

Liquid Net Worth + Progress Charts and Improvements

PL currently only allows you to plot progress as a net worth figure when comparing to a plan. (Affects both the home dashboard and plan views). It would be highly valuable to have the option to track and visualize actual liquid net worth vs planed.

Justification: Generally, if you don’t plan to sell your home, FIRE calculations should be based on a multiplier of liquid net worth, not net worth. Like many, my home and real estate make up a large portion of my overall net worth and hence, have an overbearing effect on my net worth when increasing or decreasing in value, but are irrelevant to my ability to retire at a certain age (which is purely a function of my liquid net worth and expenses(including mortgage debt expenses). This renders the current tracking function of PL to be of limited use as my house may spike in value but I can’t retire any earlier.

To ensure I remain on track to retire early it would be MUCH more valuable to me to visually see my actual progress of increasing liquid net worth overlaid on each of my plans instead.

Needed: - A drop down on the dashboard to select between showing net worth + progress overlay and liquid net worth + progress overlay on each of the plans under “list of plans for the future” - A liquid net worth + progress overlay chart on each plan page

1,000,000 extra bonus points: - Overlaid stacked progress lines/bars on the stacked liquid net worth charts would allow you to ensure that a) debt is being paid down and b) savings are increasing in accordance with your plan so you remain on track to reach your retirement goals without selling your home.

Nice to have: It would be great to be able to see the progress tracking values for each account as columns in the plans table view to compare how each actual account balance matches the plan amounts with time, so I can see where I need to allocate more/less money and re-balance to get back on track with my plan in future years.

Bugs/Related: - In the current “Net Worth + Progress”, chart, changing the chart type to stacked causes the actual progress to stack onto the chart rather than overlay its constituents as would be expected. - Using a stacked chart and adding “debt” would be expected to decrease the amount, but it adds the debt on like a positive balance.

Thanks very much for your consideration Kyle!

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Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 22 April by user Mike