

Ability to more accurately model the sale of a rental property

I have modeled my rental properties as Real Assets and populated the rental income and expenses parameters. When I indicate that a property will be sold at a certain time, I should be able to accurately model the key tax implications. Original purchase price, depreciation recapture, whether passive losses will help offset capital gains, or whether passive losses must be deferred due to property being grouped with other real estate assets not being sold.

I have a plan that models the sale of a rental property and there is effectively no tax implications of the sale, which is not possible. The extra cash from the sale is over inflating my plan.

4 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 25 April 2024 by user Jay Polo

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  • 25 April 2024 Jay Polo suggested this task

  • 25 April 2024 Kyle Nolan approved this task

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    There is a related suggestion about being able to input the actual date the property was started as a rental. This is needed so that depreciation recapture can be calculated properly. Currently PL assumes that the rental starts at the beginning of the plan.
