800+ votes :speech_balloon: Import local weather data 825 62 400+ votes :speech_balloon: Correlations between factors 427 31 300+ votes :speech_balloon: Sync with period tracker 362 70 200+ votes :speech_balloon: Ability to change symptom severity scale 263 37 :wrench: Change food diary entries to timestamped meals rather than split by am/mid/pm. 216 28 100+ votes :speech_balloon: Quantitative factors 197 20 :bulb: PDF Export 192 30 :speech_balloon: Sync with Samsung Health 191 28 :speech_balloon: Separate Drink/Water Section 188 17 :speech_balloon: Base factor mood correlation on difference from norm not absolute value 111 7 :wrench: Improvements to significant events section 100 20 60+ votes :speech_balloon: Attach a factor to a favourite food/drink! 65 10 50+ votes :seedling: Apple Health sync for Temperature & Blood Glucose 55 16 40+ votes :speech_balloon: "highest"&"lowest" aggregates for health measurements 42 0 30+ votes :seedling: Adding Blood glucose integration with Apple Health/Google Fit 31 8 20+ votes :speech_balloon: Description or note for the automated health measurements 27 3 10+ votes :wrench: Add custom ratings as outcomes in the Correlations section 14 1