

Menstrual flow/period tracking from Apple Health

Apple Health can import this data from certain other period trackers that sync with it. There’s other related data available in Apple Health, such as basal body temperature, but this is a specific suggestion for tracking light/medium/heavy menstrual flow via Apple Health. Please vote for this if it would be useful to you.

55 votes

Tagged as Mobile

Created 08 December 2016 by Belle Cooper

Moved into Completed 26 September 2019

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  • 08 December 2016 Belle Cooper created this task

  • avatar

    I would be especially interested in this if it includes spotting as well as actual flow levels. Most of the reason I use Clue (which I send to to Apple Health) is to track between-period spotting and cramps (I’m on an extended-cycle BC pill). I’m definitely interested in seeing the correlations for that. It doesn’t seem like Apple Health has a field for cramps, but I’d appreciate that being added as an available attribute in Exist so I could work with it in the API.

    26 December 2016
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    I also use Clue. it would be interesting to see how this influences my productivity. or be able to plan ahead more.

    07 January 2017
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    I use Period Tracker, and it captures data on symptoms or discomforts, and level of flow.

    14 January 2017
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    Also use clue!

    15 March 2018
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    This data is absolutely key for females. I have used Ovia and Clue and see both are on your not possible list. I don’t mind starting to track in apple health since you already have some data connections there. It is essential to track the cycle against calories, mood, and other custom tracking like migraines. This would be especially helpful for women with hormonal issues concerning their thyroid or PCOS.

    25 March 2018
  • avatar

    I would be curious if you could troll across custom tags - are people already creating tags for this? That might be useful prioritization data to vote this up in the backlog - not everyone would take time to vote (or even notice you can) - but people that want it would create tags. Suggest you troll custom tags for anything such as “period” “bleeding” “cycle” etc. and see what % of your female users are already manually trying to track and correlate this (vs. just relying on votes alone)

    25 March 2018
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    is there a way to see the date when things change status in changemap? so the suggestion was started 08 dec 2016; it’s in planned as of 25 mar 2018; any way for us to see the date when it made it’s way from suggestion to consideration to planned ....and then a predicted target date for in progress and a predicted target date for completed, depending on your effort tracking/burndown rates and other priorities in the queue?

    25 March 2018
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    Not all tasks will go through each stage, so it’s possible this one went straight from “Suggestions” to “Planned”. We don’t have predicted target dates, but a good way to tell when a task is getting closer is when it moves to “In progress”. If you’ve voted for a task, you’ll get an update when that happens.

    25 March 2018
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    You can also subscribe to a task to get the same update without needing to vote.

    26 March 2018
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    ++ for this - tracking menstrual flow, fertile window/ovulation, pms, etc. can give you some incredible insights about mood, energy levels, and other conditions. Wish Clue had an open API :/

    02 May 2018
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    I use clue and have it linked with Apple Health, but currently Exist won’t access that data. I’ve been tracking it with Clue for nearly a year, now! Would be great to have that data be used towards this service.

    21 May 2018
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    Fitbit just added menstrual tracking!!! It’s brand new so I don’t know how it will stack up against Clue (and it’s annoying to track in more than one place, obviously) but those of us who aren’t Apple users this would be really helpful. Should this be a different thread?

    29 May 2018
  • avatar

    Getting this data from Fitbit would be GREAT. I would love this!!! I’m putting my period data into Fitbit now, and also doing all sorts of hacky things to get period data into Exist. this integration would be huge for me.

    31 May 2018
  • 31 May 2018
  • avatar

    Please include PMS symptoms in the input data. Thank you :-)

    20 November 2018
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    Michelle, are you tracking these symptoms inside Apple Health, or syncing them to Apple Health already? If the data doesn’t exist in Apple Health it can’t be included as part of this integration, but if it is, could you give me an example of a symptom you can sync to Apple Health so I can look into including that data, please?

    20 November 2018
  • avatar

    If this is something you’re tracking separately, you can always use custom tags to track them in Exist.

    21 November 2018
  • 07 July 2019 Belle Cooper moved this task into In progress

  • avatar

    If you’re already tracking menstruation with an iOS app of any kind, I’d really appreciate your input in this forum thread.

    It turns out the way most of these apps share data to Apple Health isn’t straightforward, so we need to make some decisions about how to handle that data. The more input from people already tracking their period, the more luck we’ll have in making decisions that work for more users, so please share any experience you have in the forum :)

    18 July 2019
  • 26 September 2019 Belle Cooper moved this task into Completed