

Custom colours for custom tags

The idea is to choose the color of your custom tracking tags. For example: if a tag is “negative,” you can color it red, if it’s “positive,” you can color it green. You could also have your own color scheme for tracking daily habits.

Hope the idea will get some love! ;-)

76 votes

Tagged as Design

Suggested 26 November 2017 by user deleted user

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  • 26 November 2017 Josh Sharp approved this task

  • avatar

    Yeah, love this one! It’s awful that a productivity tag and a non-productivity color has similar color!

    16 March 2018
  • avatar

    Yes, that would be awesome, otherwise with too many tags it’s hard to see the overall picture. Would be nice if it got lighter at better times and darker at harder times. Quick way to see how you’re doing with those habbits.

    12 July 2018
  • avatar

    I would like this. I have adjusted my custom tracking to separate the types of tasks I complete into homeschool/ chores/ Scout leader/ etc. Todoist is great but only tracks total of tasks completed. I need a breakdown to show where my tasks are focused. Having the option to choose similar colours for different roles would be great. Please make the palette more than 6-8 colours. I think the idea of intensities could work for grouping so up to 5-8 intensities in each colour. Maybe!?

    Thank you.

    28 August 2019
  • avatar

    This is a big deal for the way I think. I could assign numbers to my categories and put them in front of the labels for the tags as a workaround. The issue is that my brain still wants to make sense of the colors.

    13 December 2021
  • avatar

    Yes please! This would be awesome, the current colours are hard for me to look at, it would be so great to be able to choose our own.

    05 April 2022
  • avatar

    I strongly support this. If you have a lot of tags you can get lost with the random colours. I’d even suggest the ability to group them by themes like habits, places, people, etc. Basically what you suggested yourself in the introductory blog post.

    21 February 2023