Not possible/Seek alternatives
iOS phone usage and unlocks
We can currently track mobile screen time on Android via RescueTime’s Android app, but iOS doesn’t provide access to this data, so on iOS it sadly isn’t possible.
We can currently track mobile screen time on Android via RescueTime’s Android app, but iOS doesn’t provide access to this data, so on iOS it sadly isn’t possible.
There are many apps out there that will give you these numbers. I don’t know if they track screen on or something else. This is an old answer, but it may still be correct:
Apple makes this hard to do, though, IIRC.
@willem: Services like rescue time will get you what you want. I don’t use them any more but they do give you a breakdown of how many times you opened which apps and how long you spent in the app and more.
You can track phone usage using RescueTime, but that doesn’t sync with this should be the API he Dan mentioned. There should be more on internet about how this work
I’ve played with RescueTime’s api for this and this worked 3 years ago:
def get_mobile_minutes(date):
“”“given the date as a formatted string, returns mobile minutes as an int”“”
headers = {‘key’: api_token}
data = requests.get(''+api_token+'&restrict_source_type=mobile&format=json&restrict_begin='+date+'&restrict_end='+date).text
minutes_spent_on_date = json.loads(data)['rows'][0][1]//60
return minutes_spent_on_date
That’s a really interesting workaround for Screen Time! We have an existing suggestion for Timing here.
We’ve now added support for mobile screen time on Android via RescueTime, but I’ve updated this task to reflect that it’s still not possible to get this data on iOS.