

Show mood average as decimal

I would like to see the weekly and monthly mood rating average in decimal instead of an integer. A monthly mood of 2.1 and 2.9 is a big difference in mood, but both are displayed as 2.

15 votes

Tagged as Development

Suggested 06 February 2019 by user Dani Hodovic

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  • 06 February 2019 Dani Hodovic suggested this task

  • 07 February 2019 Josh Sharp approved this task

  • 07 February 2019 Josh Sharp edited this task

  • avatar

    Highly support this suggestion. The same is true for other integer values, e.g. number of workouts or number of awakenings/night. For integers where values are usually high (e.g. steps), not showing decimals works better, but for small values its really not helpful.

    23 October 2019
  • avatar

    Ah, this one is unlikely to be implemented now as the mood scale is growing, making it unnecessary.

    I don’t think it makes sense for other values like workouts either. It’s not possible to do 1.2 workouts per week, for example.

    23 October 2019
  • avatar

    Of course you can’t do 1.2 workouts per week. But there’s a big difference between averaging 1.4 workouts or 0.7 workouts per week, while both would show an average of 1 per week right now. For me, right now the “averages” view shows my average is 1 workout for every day of the week. I can’t get any useful information from that, whereas seeing that I workout 1.3 times on monday but only 0.8 times on tuesday, for example, might be helpful.

    25 October 2019
  • avatar

    I agree! For values with higher typical numbers like steps it’s currently possible to see a lot of nuance in how my averages change between days of the week, and a decimal place could allow me to see that with things like workouts and events as well.

    As someone who’s still trying to develop a habit of working out regularly, I currently get a rather discouraging “average” of 0 workouts each day; it would feel more reflective of my actual work and progress if I could see a 0.2 or whatever it is, and then hopefully watch that average go up gradually instead of staying at 0 until I manage to hit the threshold to jump to 1.

    26 October 2019
  • avatar

    By that logic the US government shouldn’t report the average household size as 2.6 people.

    It’s true that using the median instead of the mean naturally results in a whole number, but I think the mean is the appropriate number to calculate for mood– the median reduces the impact of outliers, but when I rate my mood as a 1 or a 5, that means my mood really was extremely good or bad, which should be reflected in the average.

    25 March 2020
  • avatar

    I would be eager to reignite this suggestion - at the moment I feel a lot of insights in my data are being lost because the granularity is too low. Some values move quite slowly over time, and this is imperceptible when the averages are snapped to integers.

    27 March 2023
  • avatar

    I highly support this one! (actually came here to open a new ticket for the exact same thing)

    Showing trends and averages for any integer rating or counter (e.g. mood, workouts, coffees) would be much meaningful if formatted as a decimal.

    05 February 2024