In progress


Mobile app overhaul

Exist started as a web-first app and over the years we’ve added more and more to the mobile apps, but we think it’s time to step back and attempt to make Exist for Android and Exist for iOS feel more modern and useful with a new design. We want to better answer questions like: how do we make it quicker to do the common things you need to do? How do we get all of the most useful information to you in a way that’s digestible? And how do we make the experience feel more premium?

9 votes

Tagged as Mobile

Created 15 July by Josh Sharp

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  • 15 July Josh Sharp created this task

  • avatar

    I just joined so not sure if its my place to say, but I would love to be able to be able to customise the order of categories and subcategories.

    For example I added count of cigarettes I smoke a day but to update the count I need to go down and look for Cigarettes and it takes a moment of scrolling. Would love to move it to the top so I can access it right away.

    ps. My autistic self is sad that I discovered your app so late

    18 August
  • avatar

    That’s fair! I’ve added a suggestion for that specific request, please give it a vote :)

    20 August
  • avatar

    This sounds great! The two biggest things I’ve noticed about the mobile app that’s lacking: - You can only look at entries from up to a week ago - You can’t explore the trends and correlations quite as easily or deeply as you can on the web app

    I’m usually more of a desktop person when it comes to heavy data-based apps (I do my budgeting on my Macbook), but for some reason I tend to gravitate to mobile with Exist. Maybe it’s because that’s where I log everything, so I want to go there to review data as well?

    20 August
  • avatar

    Please consider a dark mode so its not as bright when using it in the evening, and also an offline mode so I can use the app without a network. Thank you

    23 August
  • avatar

    Yes, that’ll come as part of it. I’ve moved dark mode for Android into Planned as well.

    24 August
  • avatar

    Couple of things. Both relating to the Review page.

    1) Some small degree of customisation. Nothing fancy. Grouped elements from different sections of the app (eg be able to mix a Productivity metric with a Media metric in the same “box” on the review page. I can then set up the metrics and tags how they logically make sense to me. Based on location or time of day and not the category of statistic

    2) Allow for custom tags to not be in a popup, like above point 1. Allow me to organise a tag next to a metric however I like. Additionally: allow metrics to be in a popup or folder like tags currently are. This allows for commonly use things to be always present, and rarely used things behind a second tap inside a folder

    3) Make it faster. Boot time is quite slow. Then after loading every time I press the + on a number its slow. I have to count to 5. Press another. Count again. Press another. Instead of taking 30 seconds to mark off a few things I have done via the number metric, it takes me like 2 minutes. Just staring at the screen waiting for the sync after each button press. If I don’t wait, sometimes metrics I have hit + on undo back to 0. An offline mode might assist with this?

    29 August