101 results tagged 'New feature' :bulb: "Your life in weeks" week display 55 7 :bulb: 24hr format for time of day values 5 1 :bulb: Ability to archive custom tags 38 6 :bulb: Ability to rate correlations 3 1 :bulb: Ability to share correlations from web app 4 2 :bulb: Ability to tick off multiple days of tags at once (bulk tag editing) 52 8 :bulb: Ability to turn off attributes 14 5 :bulb: Add a new set of attributes to support 0 6 :bulb: Add the name of a workout in Apple Health as a tag 4 1 :bulb: Allow iframe embedding 2 2 :bulb: Allow multiple tags in monthly calendar view 1 0 :bulb: Allow notes without mood rating 19 2 :bulb: Allow selection of particular day/week/month in dashboards 1 0 :bulb: Attach photos along with mood note/daily review 6 5 :bulb: Awakenings per hour 18 2 :bulb: Blood Pressure from Google Fit 49 10 :bulb: Break down Toggl time 6 8 :bulb: Calendar picker to select a date on web dashboard 7 2 :bulb: Calendar view on Mood trends page 13 0 :bulb: Categorize events by name in calendar 5 3 :bulb: Causal inference 16 2 :bulb: Choose units per attribute 39 14 :bulb: Commits from Github public repos 4 3 :bulb: Comparison of days, months, years 38 0 :bulb: Comparisons to recommended values 6 2 :bulb: Control correlations for a third attribute 3 0 :bulb: Correlation/Optimise date selection 2 3 :bulb: Correlations based on menstrual cycle date 20 0 :bulb: Correlations with time since a tag was last used 2 1 :bulb: Create and order printed books 2 2 :bulb: CSV export 6 0 :bulb: Custom CSV/JSON import 58 5 :bulb: Custom dashboard date ranges 3 0 :bulb: Custom names for scale values 3 0 :bulb: Custom tags: habit-tracking features 64 6 :bulb: Custom web dashboards 9 2 :bulb: Custom weekly review email day 2 0 :bulb: Decrement buttons for manually-tracked quantity attributes 4 0 :bulb: Description field for custom tags 16 1 :bulb: Designate tags as positive or negative 65 6 :bulb: Distance travelled/distance from home 122 7 :bulb: Enable special characters in tag names 2 4 :bulb: Eras or major life changes 115 7 :bulb: Exist forum 1 3 :bulb: Garmin Connect IQ App 6 0 :bulb: Group custom tags and manual attributes together 77 17 :bulb: Historical browsing 2 1 :bulb: Hydration tracking from Garmin 3 2 :bulb: Import tweets as notes for day rating 1 1 :bulb: Indicate correlations are new or significantly different from the week before 8 0 :bulb: Larger mood scale 25 14 :bulb: Location mapping 97 9 :bulb: Major News Events 41 5 :bulb: Making changing averages graphs include more data 3 0 :bulb: Manual tracking on the web 2 3 :bulb: Manual tracking, or adding numbers to custom tags 334 109 :bulb: Map links like "/yesterday" to the relevant date 1 4 :bulb: Mark an attribute as positive or negative 18 2 :bulb: Menstrual/period tracking from Fitbit 21 7 :bulb: Menstrual/Period tracking from Garmin 25 6 :bulb: Monthly review emails 63 1 :bulb: Mood tab 0 0 :bulb: Move a manual attribute to a different group 1 0 :bulb: Multi-level custom tags 87 6 :bulb: Multiple GitHub accounts 4 1 :bulb: Multiple profiles to track children's health 2 0 :bulb: Multiple regression analysis 2 0 :bulb: Notes for individual attribute values 4 0 :bulb: Optimise page 1 0 :bulb: Pain tracking 78 14 :bulb: Peak Expiratory Flow 2 0 :bulb: People you're with 132 11 :bulb: Plus button for quantity attributes on web Review tab 16 2 :bulb: Possibility to change scale 5 1 :bulb: Print to PDF export 9 4 :bulb: Public version of your Exist dashboard 31 5 :bulb: Referral program 1 0 :bulb: Reminders for yearly users before their subscriptions renew 0 0 :bulb: Rename default (templated) attributes 2 1 :bulb: RescueTime categories / custom goals 134 0 :bulb: Search and ask questions 2 3 :bulb: Searchable mood notes 17 3 :bulb: Self-Esteem Tracking 27 1 :bulb: Semantic analysis for mood notes 3 1 :bulb: Show all days that match a certain mood score 1 0 :bulb: Show custom correlation - pick your own attributes to compare 37 4 :bulb: Social sharing buttons for correlations and insights 3 1 :bulb: Statistics for individual tags 47 6 :bulb: Steps distance from Google Fit 10 1 :bulb: Tag frequency tracking 5 1 :bulb: Text manual attributes 3 0 :bulb: Time of day tracking 80 17 :bulb: Total time from RescueTime 25 0 :bulb: Two-factor authentication (2FA) 145 25 :bulb: Unicode support for custom tags 4 1 :bulb: User-defined goals 101 7 :bulb: UV Index from Dark Sky 25 2 :bulb: Visualising moods: chart or timeline 1 5 :bulb: Webhooks for attribute updates 3 0 :bulb: Windows 10 desktop app 23 1 :bulb: Year view in dashboard 13 1